Twenty four campers and councillors holding a RLYA sign

A special “Shiny” to all of the campers and the camp leaders Scott, Jorrel, Sarah, Tye, Brielle, Imisi, Jake and Kali Ann for sharing their magic!

I visited this year’s Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly (RYLA) senior camp. Six groups of teens attend the camp, which is held at the beautiful Riding Mountain National Park.

While I was there, the campers learned cooperation by eating dinner while tied to each other’s wrists; they learned about the world by discussing current issues; they learned creativity and communication by making music videos and they learned about each other in sharing circles.

I was impressed to see how quickly teamwork became the norm. Everyone worked together, and friendships were made. The campers learned and grew while having fun. 

Rotary is supporting young leaders and future Rotarians!

Supporting Young Leaders
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